Friday, June 13, 2014

3 Secrets to Turn Your Fantasies into Fantasia – Live By Desire

Have you forgotten or pushed aside dreams that you had?  Did other’s judge your dreams and caused you to feel less than?  Told you were a daydreamer and felt bad for it?  Did you ever ask why you had those dreams to begin with? 

Dreams are so good for us, even if they seem impossible to come true. Why is that you say?  Well, they tell you something about your desires.  They come from our soul and are meant to keep us in constant desire.  We are born to be creators and manifest our desires.  Think of our fantasies as a temporary pleasure.  But when we add attention and desire, they manifest in to an enjoyable, satisfying life of fantasia.

The Divine is always providing us with ideas of how to live a life of fantasia.  They do that with our dreams.  Our soul serves us up these delicious pallets of wonderful desires through our dreams.

Here are 3 secrets to living our desires and being able to turn our dreams into fantasia.

Secret 1 – Give Attention To Dreams

Pay attention to your dreams.  Be willing to give more attention to them.  See where they lead you to become more of who you want to be.  Use that to give them attention and focus.  If we don’t give attention to our dreams, our soul will find other ways to bring our desires to us.  How do they do that you may ask?  Think about this a minute.  How do you think your soul would try to reach you if you kept ignoring the knocks at your front door? 

Through the back door.  They would do it by getting you to think about things you didn’t like.  So they would present life experiences to you, so you could use understanding what you did like by comparing what you don’t like. Makes sense huh?  So if we just take a moment to be willing to give more time and attention to our fun dreams, they wouldn’t have to offer us what we don’t like.  The hard part then is to figure out if it is right for you or not.

Secret 2 – Check If It Is Right

Use your feelings to understand if a dream is right for you or not.  Our emotions are a homing beacon to know if something is right or wrong.  If we start to allow ourselves to feel a desire and check out our feelings about it, we can know if it is right or not. Now be careful not to get this confused with what others want for you. If you have any “shoulds” in the feeling, you can best be sure it is coming from someone else, not you. 

Also check if it is an ego desire or a genuine desire.  An ego desire either elevates you or deflates you in comparison with others.  A genuine desire just feels plain darn good.  Once you know you have a genuine desire, you are ready for the next secret.

Secret 3 – Act & Trust

Act on the ideas that bring you the most joy, excitement, fantasia, a sense of peace and harmony, or love.  That way you know that you are doing the right thing for you and not for someone else.  This can be tricky for some of us. I know it is for me.  I have such duty and obligation in my background that it can be hard for me to figure out real joy or excitement.  Knowing it is right for you opens you to trusting that it will serve you.  That is an important part of this secret, having trust that it will serve you.


If we live this way, using our dreams to answer our soul’s knock on our front door to knowing our desires, checking for rightness with us, and acting on those desires with trust, we will find the fantasia of life.  We start living by desire.

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