Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas and Be Inspired by Jesus

Merry Christmas from Miracle Grids

Be Inspired By Jesus
Christmas Is the Day We Celebrate the Birth of Jesus
Allow us all to celebrate this day of Grace and wonder.

Jesus Was a Present to Humanity from the Divine.
Jesus offered us many treasured presents, so we may touch Divine Intelligence.
Receive These Gifts from Jesus This Season.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind.  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as yourself”

-         Matthew 22:35-40
Blessed are the poor in spirit, 
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger
and thirst for righteousness, 
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be
called children of God. 

Blessed are they who are persecuted
for the sake of righteousness, 
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
-         Matthew 5:3-10

May You & your Family Be Blessed
May you all be comforted and be Filled with Peace.

Susan Suehr - Miracle Grids

Get Instant Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Grab Onto the Present Moment

Have you been told that getting in touch with the now is important to be conscious?  While that is true, getting into the Now Moment and staying there is quite challenging during the business of every  day living.  How do we be more conscious and live our lives as events swirl around us?

Being more present in each moment takes practice in order for it become part of your normal everyday living.  It can start with just being aware of your thoughts and feelings.  It helps to take 15 to 20 minutes at a time a couple of times a day to get started doing this.

So why even bother, if it takes this kind of practice?  The world is changing and being able to better cope with life events is why.  We have reached a pinnacle of the old ways and the rapidly changing world demands that we have new skills to thrive. 

Obvious ways to manage conflict and differences don’t work anymore.  Our modern needs are showing us that the old ways of finding energy and resources are hurting our planet or providing un-nourishing food.  We need new innovative ways that come from our creative unique real self.

Getting in touch with that creative unique self requires new skills.  The skills that are going to be required are ones that allow us to be more real with our true nature and offer paths of least resistance.  The best way to get in touch with our true nature and to follow a path of least resistance is living in the now.

If you look at the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms, you can see that they are all living in the now.  It is time for us humans to take on the mantle of merging our thinking self with the self that lives in the now and is more conscious.

As you practice living in the present from moment to moment, you will be connected to Divine intelligence.  That is where the answers for our modern problems will come from.  The ideas, nudges, and connections will spring forth synchronistically.

Your life will unfold with an amazing elegance as life challenges are met with the least resistance.  The fascination and interests in your life will have no boundaries.  Is that a future you can live with?  So just grab onto the present moment and hop on to the most delightful ride of your life.

When you are caught standing in line or at a stop light, take these opportunities to feel your whole body inside and out.  At those work meetings, bring your full presence.  If bored, get to understand and know what makes you bored.  Feel what you feel before speaking up or taking action.  Move from presence to thinking moment to moment.

Soon you will find your life has less and less resistance and you will be connected to Divine intelligence.

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below for Instant Access to FREE  Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Explore Your Beauty

Did you know what the Divine is most grateful for?  You!  You are pleasing and delightful to the Divine. It is your beauty that the Divine feels gratitude for when they ponder your countenance.

You can taste a tiny morsel of how the Divine perceives you by exploring your beauty.  Take a moment and listen to the beautiful music as you bask among these beautiful fall leaves. 

Notice how nature in its splendor and ever changing landscape unfolds new expressions of beauty as each season passes and new seasons emerge.  We stand in awe as we allow the expanse of nature to touch our hearts.  We call that beauty.

We are a part of nature.  The Divine basks in your light as each of your individual seasons pass and new seasons emerge.  They also stand in awe as you resonate in your expanse while they appreciate the beauty of you in each new moment.

What do you think they see?  They see how beautiful you use the darkness of life to make it lighter.  The Divine watches how you glisten each time you color your world with your unique perspective.  They tenderly watch your sparkle each time you change and become new.

The Divine carefully stops and takes notice of those times you are graceful while lending a helping hand to others.  They pay attention to how poised you are as you pick yourself up after a fall.

The Divine is always watching each of your moments. Why?  Because they enjoy catching every new moment of your beauty.

Explore your beauty, and notice how your soul meets you. Then you have all the means and power to be a beautiful bearer of light.  The Divine always offers you the means and power to add more light. Receive it whenever you touch your soul. Touch your soul when you explore your beauty.  Explore today!

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below for Instant Access to FREE  Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Open to Unconditional Love

Do you know that you are loved completely without any conditions at all?  Yes, the Divine loves you with pure unconditional love.

Take a moment to just let that in for you. Be still and in that stillness, let in that you are loved unconditionally. There is no fine print about not being loved in the agreement we made when we chose to become physical.  It was a foregone conclusion that the love would be there always for us to claim.

We have life experiences that involve suffering and pain.  We have been taught by others to think that means we are not loved.  That is so far from the truth.  It is in those very times, when we allow ourselves to receive the love that is there, that we start the healing that love offers.  The love is there always and available if we would just let it in.  No one has the power to take it away either, because it is divinely given.

Think about this whenever you may feel unworthy of receiving the unconditional love that is your birthright.

No one was ever born who had never made a sorrowful decision.  That is the way of life.  You practice creating your desires in your own unique way.  Depending on the beliefs you carry, you make action choices that are either loving or sorrowful.  If you can expand from evaluating the outcomes of those action choices done in either love or sorrow, you have done what you set out to do.  If you succumb to fear and pinch off your expansion, that expansion opportunity will keep presenting itself to you.

We have also been taught to fear expansion because what lies beyond is unknown.  The unknown is much more about the excitement of better than anticipated outcomes.  Opening to receiving the unconditional love that is your birthright, allows for positive outcomes to be much more than you could imagine.  Haven’t you noticed that everything eventually works out for the best in your life?

It may be a challenge to feel being loved in the moment, but you can open yourself to receiving it and the openness is easier to feel.  Open yourself to receiving and knowing that you are loved unconditionally.  Feeling loved is not as important as being open to receive it.  Just be open to receive it.  When you open yourself to receive it, it can come.

Then when you least expect it, that feeling of knowing you are loved without any conditions comes to you.

When you receive the unconditional love that is always available, you open to inspired choices for action.

Make it a goal to receive your birthright of unconditional love each day.  Watch as your life unfolds with more dignity and grace.

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below for  FREE Instant Access to Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Know You Are Worthy and Significant

This is a 1 minute meditation that contains Theta Frequency and Binaural Beats.  If you use ear listening devices while listening to this, you are able to bypass your subconscious limitations.  As you gaze at the words and the images, your sensitivity increases and you are more able to connect to your center more readily.

Let in that you are made in the image of the Divine.  You are completely worthy in every moment.  No matter what may have happened in your life, you are forgiven instantly.   Let that in.  All those who have transgressed you, are forgiven instantly as well.  Forgive why they may have done what they did.  You do not have to forget what they did, but harboring negative feelings about it only hurts you more.  Healing comes when you can forgive why they did what they did, even if it was twisted thinking.  You can at least forgive their twisted thinking that leads them to do what they do.

Know this as well.  What we believe about others is what we believe about ourselves as well.  If you do not believe you can forgive another, you can carry a belief that you are unforgivable in your subconscious.  So, no matter what you may do to feel good, harboring resentment for others can become a subconscious limitation to your sense of worth.

Take a moment and forgive yourself for having negative experiences in life.  Now forgive others.

Now open to this Universal Truth.  You are completely worthy.  Life is more about uncovering your worth than berating yourself about your mistakes.  Life can also be about uncovering the worth of others.

You have significance to Divine Creation.  Every life is unique and contributes to the expansion of Divine Creation.  That is how important you are.

Allow in the light and healing with this short meditation above. Get Free Instant Access to a wonderful Meditation below:

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below for Instant Access to FREE  Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hear the Call of Your Soul

When we get scared, we are so tempted and many times fly away from those feelings.  Know that it is at those very times that your soul is calling to you. 

Connect to your soul.  They are calling you to know your truth.  Take a close look at your fear.  Within that very fear is a lie your ego is trying to keep you believing.

Your soul is calling you to look at the truth of you instead.  Make that lie conscious.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself the lie that it is.

Thank your ego for bringing it forward to you.  Release your ego from the job of keeping it as a fear for you.  Now tell yourself the truth.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself that truth. 

Some of us fear we are a mistake.  That is a lie. Your are a Being of light that brings light to darkness.  You do that by making mistakes, forgiving yourself and changing.

Tell yourself that you are a Being of light.  Get to know that in the coming weeks and months until it is firm within your being.

Hold tight to that truth.   Stay connected with your soul.  Be the spiritual being you are and live your truth now.

Want to Free Yourself of Fears?
& Have Power Over Your Fears

A FREE Healing Talisman That Connects You to Your Inner Power

Click the image below for a FREE Transforming Fear Healing Talisman and Guide

Friday, September 11, 2015

In Serenity Open to Natures Guidance

When we connect with Nature, we connect with our soul.  Take a moment now and connect to nature’s guidance.

Taking the time to be with nature and connecting to our soul, we connect with all the guidance we need to live our life purpose.  Our life purpose is about growing and healing.  More importantly, it is about expansion of who we are from one moment to the next one.  Each of us is so unique, that our individual growth contributes to the growth of the Divine uniquely.

Connecting to nature gives us opportunities to receive guidance from whomever we choose.  There are guardian angels, spirit guides, our ancestors, and our Highest Self.  All are available for guidance and healing for whatever comes as contrast in our life.

Open to this moment in nature and be open to any guidance of your choice.  Ask for guidance and it will come.  It can come in many forms.  It may come as an image in your head.  Maybe it comes as a feeling in your heart.  It can also come as a fragrant smell or a sound.  It can come as a message from someone else that has a feeling of wanting to take notice of it.

How do you receive your guidance?  Open to your guidance and inspiration for whatever messages your soul wants you to know.  What do your ancestors have to say to you today?  Do you have an animal spirit guide that comes to you in your dreams?

Forget where you are now.  Take this beautiful moment in nature no matter where you are and connect with your soul.  Be the spiritual being you are and find happiness and joy by following nature and your natural path.

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below for Instant Access to FREE  Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Monday, September 7, 2015

Sweetness of You Is Natural

Remember we were all born sweet.  That is the true nature of us.

It is when we compare ourselves to others that we believe we are not sweet anymore.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We are all unique and different in the way we express ourselves.  So comparison to others is not something that the Divine even considers when they consider your worth.

So how does knowing the sweetness of you help you in life?  Knowing the sweetness of you allows you to know in all future moments that all is well and will be well.   You are a unique expression of complete love and light.

When you touch your sweetness, you touch the sweet part of your desires.  When you focus on your desire’s sweetness, you raise your vibration to be more natural to you.  When you can align yourself to be less resistant of your natural path, your desires come into your reality much more easily.

So what kinds of ways can you touch your sweetness?  Here are 9 ways to let go of resistance and find the sweetness of you.

  • ·         When your desires are of a reforming nature, know that all your desires to reform your world are already waiting to manifest.  All you have to do is know is that the Divine is right behind you for what is right, good and true.
  • ·         When desiring to help, all your desires to help others empower themselves is held as beautiful by the Divine and the Divine is helping you.
  • ·         When desiring to achieve, look to the goodness of your achievements and understand all of them can be met just because the Divine shares your desires.
  • ·         When wanting to create something, any of your creations can manifest because you can align by knowing that abundance is your Divine right.
  • ·         When your desires demand research and investigation, developing just the right amount of expertise is sufficient for your desires to be met.  That is all you need to do.
  • ·         If the core of your desire is safety and security, you can find that by knowing all the possibilities and then choosing to align with the one you desire. Align by knowing the Divine is always with you and helping you.
  • ·         For those seeking desires of adventure and fun, life becomes adventurous as you expand to be what is most exciting about you.  The Divine is always excited about who you are.
  • ·         When you have a desire to lead, you can find the path of success by accepting the flow of life rather than controlling it.  Accept that all happens for the reason of expansion.
·         For those who want to bring peace and harmony, you bring healing to you and your world as you accept you are significant to the Divine.

When we touch our sweetness, we find the sweet spot of alignment with Divine Inspiration.  Then our desires manifest more elegantly.

Want to Free Yourself of Fears?
& Have Power Over Your Fears

A FREE Healing Talisman That Connects You to Your Inner Power

Click the image below for a FREE Transforming Fear Miracle Grid and Guide

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Spread Your Wings and Fly

We have all heard spread your wings and fly.  What does that really mean to you?  How do you spread your wings and fly?  It is easier said than done.

As we live our life, we have so many people give us their opinions of what we need to do to have a good life.  Those who we give authority to are more than happy to define what happiness is for us.  Are they correct?

If we are fortunate enough to have close ones try to understand and respect our nature, we may be given the tools to spread our wings and fly.  What makes you fly?  Listed below are 9 different enneagram paths that are the connections of our wings that make us fly with enthusiasm for life.

What gives you enthusiasm to fly?

  •   Do you enjoy reforming your world to make it better in your eyes? 
  •    Maybe you enjoy helping others
  •    Do you bask in the achievements you make?
  •    Is there and urge to create new and inspire others?
  •    Are you one who loves to research the mysteries of life and become an expert?
  •    Maybe you enjoy being loyal to your world and bring safety and security by pointing out possibilities.
  •    Are you compelled to find the adventure life has to offer?
  •    Maybe you are one of those who love to be in control and lead.
  •    Then we have the healers who want to bring peace to their world.

Which one are you when you are backed into a corner? These are the wings that help you fly in your world. Pick up those wings and try them on. Fly!

You Can Still Heal Even if Not Cured
By Connecting to Your Inner Source of Power

A Healing Talisman to Help Take You to Your Inner Core of Power

Click the image below for a FREE Healing Miracle Grid and Guide

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Live a hero's Journey

A Hero’s Journey is one of truth.  Live your truth and be a hero.  How does one live their truth you may ask?  It starts with being real.  What do you desire to do that most excites you?  That is your truth. 

Many in life tell us what we should do in order to live a good life.  If we are not excited doing what constitutes a good life, then we are not living our truth.

It takes courage to live the life that excites you, that puts a glow in your heart.  That is a Hero’s journey.  Are you willing to be a Hero?

There is a Highest Self that lives within you, that knows the Hero’s journey that you promised to live before you were born.  Are you willing to listen to its voice, so you may do what you promised to the Divine?  The Divine has patience; they do not require you to live your promise.  They love you just for living your life. 

They only promise you joy when you live the life you promised, because that is your truth.  Live your truth and be a Hero.  Be the real you that you were meant to be.  Live a loud life of dreams and wondrous fun.

Learn more about some amazing meditation products that suspend you in the moment so you can feel better. 

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click the image below to sign up for Miracle Grids FREE instant access to Create Better Feelings Meditation.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to Dream Big Dreams

Find your Dreams. Take a moment and watch.

Take some time to relax and start to day dream or night dream. What are your deepest desires?  Don't be concerned if they are possible or not, just imagine. Now go to the limit of your imagination. Take a step beyond that.

Now what do you imagine?  Now run with that. What do you like?  Imagine much more of what you like now.

Make it a big dream now!  Start dreaming big dreams everyday and see if you are happier than the day before.

Now that you are happier, imagine all others having big dreams.  Imagine everyone seeing many of their dreams coming true.  Wish the best for others, especially for those who you are jealous or envious of.  When you feel jealous, it reveals your deeper desires. When you are envious, it reveals pieces of you that you are denying.

Have a lovely day and nights filled with beautiful dreams.

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click Image Below for Instant Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Unwind From Stress

As you watch the video below, be in the present moment.

The present moment allows us to unwind and release any stress that we may have.  Be in the present moment.

As you relax and listen to the beautiful music, just imagine getting your back rubbed.  Let go and be in the moment of just getting a soothing massage.

Any past thoughts, just let them go for the moment. This is your time now in this moment.

Any future thoughts don't belong either. Just let them go for now.


Being in the present allows a quiet calm to come into your being. It is that space that allows for Divine inspiration.  Find that quiet place inside you and feel is most exciting in the next moment. then do that. When we live that way, we are much happier people. be happy today!

Want to Free Yourself of Fears?
& Have Power Over Your Fears

A FREE Healing Talisman That Connects You to Your Inner Power

Click Image Below For FREE Transforming Fear Healing Talisman and Guide

Friday, July 3, 2015

Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments - Independence

Freedom comes when we seek freedom of our negative thoughts first.  We love our self when we don’t require conditions for our self to be loved. We start to tell us that we always did our best that we could in the moment.  If we did something from our lesser self, it was only to make it visible to us so we can heal that now.  When we forgive our regrets and then love our self with loving thoughts, we grow as we were meant to. Then we can free others by allowing them to be who they are without conditions. Hold a space for them to be better than they are when you get frustrated with their behaviors.  Seek freedom with everything you think today, keeping in mind the highest and good for all.

Welcome to Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments - Independence
Independence is Knowing That You Can Free Yourself in Each New Moment
Take a Moment and Feel What Independence Can Be for You
Each New Moment Can Be a Choice to Be Brand New
Who Do You Want to Be?
Make a Choice
Be That New Person Now
You Can Ask The Divine For Help
Relax and Let the Help Come to You Now
Feel Gratitude for That Help Coming to You
Be Free in This Moment
Feel Love for Who You Are Now

You Are a New Beautiful Being

Click On Image Below for Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Importance of Being Inspired with Hope

Hope is so key to allowing us to have a good life. When we have hope, we really have a trust in the Divine.

We live in a duality and for every bad feeling possibility there is an equal positive feeling one.

Even if we have a bad feeling life experience, eventually it turns into a positive one. You can use knowing that to have some hope.

Be inspired with this video from Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments to have some hope:

See the video on Miracle Grids You tube if you like.

Successful People Have Positive Higher Mind Beliefs 
You Can Change Your Beliefs to Positive Ones

A Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click On Image Below for Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Miracle Grids Inspirational Moments Faith

Faith is key to allowing in the peace and happiness that is your birthright.

When we have faith that the Divine has our back always, we can relax that all is right in our life.

Each life experience is meant for our growth, and we can have faith that all experience is right for us.

Yes, we co-create our life with the Divine, yet the Divine delivers what is the highest and best for all.  

When we forget our spiritual nature, that resonance we carry shows up as a challenge experience to direct us back to the light that we are.

Have faith in the Divine.

  Click On Image Below for Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Monday, April 20, 2015

Inspirational Moments You are important

Know just how important you are to the Divine.

Let in the understanding of the Light that you are.  The Divine always loves you unconditionally.  

They never waiver with sending you this love. This love has no conditions to receive it.

So how do you touch this love?

Take a moment and be still with a few deep breaths.  

Ask to know right now in this moment just how loved you are.

You will find that there is nothing to do to earn this love.

No matter what you may have done, you are forgiven instantly by them.

Feel good about you because you have Divine Light residing within you. 
You are that important!

Let in Healing with this Meditation:

Click On Image Below for Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Love Your Beauty

Have you ever seen an ugly baby?

Most of you would say no.  I certainly have not.  All about these precious ones is beautiful.

Why is that?  Because they are so new and fresh that they have not been taught yet that they are anything but beautiful.

If we didn't have anyone redefining what beauty was, we would still be able to see and believe that we are beautiful.  Guess what?  You are beautiful.  Do not allow anyone from this moment forward to tell you otherwise.

Explore the beauty in you again and start loving that part of you.  We are all given strengths, powers and talents that make each one of us unique. 

Can you imagine that! Of all the billions of people alive on this planet now, there are no two alike.  Every single one of them is beautiful as well.  We are the ones who make choices to be ugly.  You can find your beauty again.

Love your beauty.  Then you will see the divine is working with you as well.

Change your beliefs, change your life, change your world.  Help me make a better world.

Check out my You Tube Meditation  Be A Winner

You can also see it on my website  Change Your Beliefs Now

See my Miracle grid Blog Post as well  for Steps to Build Confidence & Esteem 

Have a good day!

You Can Master Feeling Good 
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk by Just Watching

A FREE Meditation That Takes You There Using Higher Mind Truths

Click On Image Below for Instant Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"