Sunday, October 12, 2014

How to Have Some Fun Today

Just take a look at this guy here.  I think he is thinking about getting into a little bit of trouble, don't you?

Do you remember when you were young and were delighted to do something that was going to be fun?  Can you tap into that energy today and just have a little bit of fun by not taking yourself so seriously today?

That is one of the first things I do whenever I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and need a little bit of fun in my life.  I step back, take a couple of deep breaths and lighten up about myself.  When I do this, I get a bit playful with myself and think about the fun things I can do.

Some Ways to Have Fun

I love helping others, so I will have some fun helping someone else accomplish something.

Look online for a good joke and tell it to a few people.  It is great to have a good tummy laugh with others and it really helps lighten up.

Maybe you could get up out of your chair, put on some good music and have your self a good dance session.  Caution:  Please do this alone when no one is looking or maybe someone will have a good tummy laugh about your dancing, unless of course you are an awesome dancer.

How about singing along in your car instead of getting upset about traffic.

How about imagining a self centered person that gets under your skin, as a little baby crying just adamant about having it their way.

Helping, telling jokes, dancing, singing and imagining can bring out the fun in you.

How do you have fun when things get too serious?

I have lots of fun stuff on my website. Check it out!  Lots of FUN STUFF on bottom of home page.

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