Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hear the Call of Your Soul

When we get scared, we are so tempted and many times fly away from those feelings.  Know that it is at those very times that your soul is calling to you. 

Connect to your soul.  They are calling you to know your truth.  Take a close look at your fear.  Within that very fear is a lie your ego is trying to keep you believing.

Your soul is calling you to look at the truth of you instead.  Make that lie conscious.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself the lie that it is.

Thank your ego for bringing it forward to you.  Release your ego from the job of keeping it as a fear for you.  Now tell yourself the truth.  Look in the mirror and tell yourself that truth. 

Some of us fear we are a mistake.  That is a lie. Your are a Being of light that brings light to darkness.  You do that by making mistakes, forgiving yourself and changing.

Tell yourself that you are a Being of light.  Get to know that in the coming weeks and months until it is firm within your being.

Hold tight to that truth.   Stay connected with your soul.  Be the spiritual being you are and live your truth now.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

In Serenity Open to Natures Guidance

When we connect with Nature, we connect with our soul.  Take a moment now and connect to nature’s guidance.

Taking the time to be with nature and connecting to our soul, we connect with all the guidance we need to live our life purpose.  Our life purpose is about growing and healing.  More importantly, it is about expansion of who we are from one moment to the next one.  Each of us is so unique, that our individual growth contributes to the growth of the Divine uniquely.

Connecting to nature gives us opportunities to receive guidance from whomever we choose.  There are guardian angels, spirit guides, our ancestors, and our Highest Self.  All are available for guidance and healing for whatever comes as contrast in our life.

Open to this moment in nature and be open to any guidance of your choice.  Ask for guidance and it will come.  It can come in many forms.  It may come as an image in your head.  Maybe it comes as a feeling in your heart.  It can also come as a fragrant smell or a sound.  It can come as a message from someone else that has a feeling of wanting to take notice of it.

How do you receive your guidance?  Open to your guidance and inspiration for whatever messages your soul wants you to know.  What do your ancestors have to say to you today?  Do you have an animal spirit guide that comes to you in your dreams?

Forget where you are now.  Take this beautiful moment in nature no matter where you are and connect with your soul.  Be the spiritual being you are and find happiness and joy by following nature and your natural path.

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Sweetness of You Is Natural

Remember we were all born sweet.  That is the true nature of us.

It is when we compare ourselves to others that we believe we are not sweet anymore.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We are all unique and different in the way we express ourselves.  So comparison to others is not something that the Divine even considers when they consider your worth.

So how does knowing the sweetness of you help you in life?  Knowing the sweetness of you allows you to know in all future moments that all is well and will be well.   You are a unique expression of complete love and light.

When you touch your sweetness, you touch the sweet part of your desires.  When you focus on your desire’s sweetness, you raise your vibration to be more natural to you.  When you can align yourself to be less resistant of your natural path, your desires come into your reality much more easily.

So what kinds of ways can you touch your sweetness?  Here are 9 ways to let go of resistance and find the sweetness of you.

  • ·         When your desires are of a reforming nature, know that all your desires to reform your world are already waiting to manifest.  All you have to do is know is that the Divine is right behind you for what is right, good and true.
  • ·         When desiring to help, all your desires to help others empower themselves is held as beautiful by the Divine and the Divine is helping you.
  • ·         When desiring to achieve, look to the goodness of your achievements and understand all of them can be met just because the Divine shares your desires.
  • ·         When wanting to create something, any of your creations can manifest because you can align by knowing that abundance is your Divine right.
  • ·         When your desires demand research and investigation, developing just the right amount of expertise is sufficient for your desires to be met.  That is all you need to do.
  • ·         If the core of your desire is safety and security, you can find that by knowing all the possibilities and then choosing to align with the one you desire. Align by knowing the Divine is always with you and helping you.
  • ·         For those seeking desires of adventure and fun, life becomes adventurous as you expand to be what is most exciting about you.  The Divine is always excited about who you are.
  • ·         When you have a desire to lead, you can find the path of success by accepting the flow of life rather than controlling it.  Accept that all happens for the reason of expansion.
·         For those who want to bring peace and harmony, you bring healing to you and your world as you accept you are significant to the Divine.

When we touch our sweetness, we find the sweet spot of alignment with Divine Inspiration.  Then our desires manifest more elegantly.

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