Have you ever thought about what the past does to you? The past was meant for reflecting on so as to learn about the consequences of your choices and actions. Many have been taught to use the past for judgments.
Judgments take you away from
receiving the unconditional love the Divine has for you. The Divine never judges or puts conditions
for you to live your life fully. They
prefer you to come to know your true nature.
They desire that you come to know
the connectedness with everyone and everything.
It is through the separateness that you can learn and understand the
connectedness of everything, the paradox of connectedness.
When you can let go of all the
judgments that say no to living a peaceful and joyful life, you open to the unconditional
love always available for you. So let go
of those past thoughts that put conditions on having a peaceful and joyful
Feel inside you as you become quiet
within. This starts the process of becoming one with your true nature. It is
only through becoming one with you that you can become one with others. Having peace within is the only way to find
peace with others as well.
Dwelling on past regrets separates
you from your own oneness. As you touch
that quiet place within, notice those past thoughts are not a part of you. Unhook from the past by not identifying with
those judging thoughts. You are much
more than a thought. You are beautiful light
There is no time in the past for it
does not exist now. It is past
time. So why give it your present
time? Let your present time thoughts to
be lighter, the light of you. Lighter
thoughts are ones that know your current safety, security, value and worth in
this Now moment.
When you lighten up and unhook from
the past, you are more real. You now can
express the gifts of your unique talents for the world to benefit from.
Claim your birthright of
unconditional love by being the gift you are by being present in this moment.
Then notice how your life unfolds with more peace and joy.
Unhook From Past
Take a moment now and Be still.
Watch and open to the stillness within you.
Let Go of the Emotions of the Past
You Matter to the Divine
Your Life is Important
You Are a Beautiful Being of Light
Be Blessed with Divine Love
It is Your Birthright
Be At Peace, Find that Inner Calm
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk
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Be At Peace, Find that Inner Calm
Meditate Like a Tibetan Monk
Get Instant Access to FREE Meditation "Create Better Feelings"