Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Explore Your Beauty

Did you know what the Divine is most grateful for?  You!  You are pleasing and delightful to the Divine. It is your beauty that the Divine feels gratitude for when they ponder your countenance.

You can taste a tiny morsel of how the Divine perceives you by exploring your beauty.  Take a moment and listen to the beautiful music as you bask among these beautiful fall leaves. 

Notice how nature in its splendor and ever changing landscape unfolds new expressions of beauty as each season passes and new seasons emerge.  We stand in awe as we allow the expanse of nature to touch our hearts.  We call that beauty.

We are a part of nature.  The Divine basks in your light as each of your individual seasons pass and new seasons emerge.  They also stand in awe as you resonate in your expanse while they appreciate the beauty of you in each new moment.

What do you think they see?  They see how beautiful you use the darkness of life to make it lighter.  The Divine watches how you glisten each time you color your world with your unique perspective.  They tenderly watch your sparkle each time you change and become new.

The Divine carefully stops and takes notice of those times you are graceful while lending a helping hand to others.  They pay attention to how poised you are as you pick yourself up after a fall.

The Divine is always watching each of your moments. Why?  Because they enjoy catching every new moment of your beauty.

Explore your beauty, and notice how your soul meets you. Then you have all the means and power to be a beautiful bearer of light.  The Divine always offers you the means and power to add more light. Receive it whenever you touch your soul. Touch your soul when you explore your beauty.  Explore today!

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