You are:
beautiful, talented, important, worthy, adventurous and
fascinating. Take some time to let that
in. That is your true nature. Many times we forget to be kind to ourselves
first, so then we can be kind to others.
We humans have gotten ourselves to a place where we have a life
experience that makes us feel either good or bad, and we make up some story
about us based on that experience.
The way we create our reality is by being who we choose
to be first, then life unfolds for us.
When we feel badly, and then choose to be a person who feels bad because
of our life experience, we attract more bad feeling experiences to us. That is not a kind thing to do to
ourselves. Then it becomes more
difficult to be kind to others. We can
force ourselves, but it just doesn’t come out as genuine. It doesn’t feel natural.
So how do I practice kindness when I have a bad feeling
experience? I start by knowing that I
prefer a better feeling experience. I
allow myself to relax and consciously connect to the Divine by letting go of
any resistance. One way I do that is by
allowing me to know that all will be right because they are with me and we are
connected. This may take some time,
depending on how badly I feel about what has happened to me. I do wait until I can genuinely feel
this. If my thoughts are about past regrets,
I gently know that I am forgiven instantly by the Divine and come back to the
present moment of knowing all is right.
If thoughts come up about future worries, I allow myself to settle into
knowing that the Divine will always support me for having good feeling
experiences. We were born to have good
feeling experiences.
Then I allow my connection to the Divine to give me inner
guidance. They always give the answers
when I need them. As I allow the
guidance from them on what to do, I feel an inner calm of peace and
contentment. Usually this swells to
feeling a sense of excitement. Then I
can be passionate about what I do.
When I am being passionate about what I do, I am practicing
kindness with myself. Then amazingly, I get inspired to take action with others
and genuinely practice kindness with them too.
With time and practice, this way of living can change your life in the
most powerful ways. Let’s create a kind world together!
Hope you like this healing talisman.
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You Can Master Feeling Good
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