Saturday, November 8, 2014

Has Frustration Grabbed You? Release Stress

I like to release stress by taking some time to contemplate this.

“Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” Unknown

We live in a duality reality where for every negative event there is an equal and opposite potential positive event.

Sometimes I feel frustrated or angry with events or others in my life.   To release stress from it, it helps me to think about what negative thoughts I am saying to myself about it.  

For example:
If someone pulls out in front of me in traffic, I have not only negative thoughts about them, but negative thoughts about me as well. Most of them are:  "This always happens to me when I'm in a hurry." or "I must have done something to deserve this." or "I never get a break."

These thoughts never serve me.  I found to release the stress of the events, I need to recognize these thoughts first. Then I tell myself that these thoughts are not true. They are only true if they are true always and true for everyone.
Next I change my thoughts to better thoughts.

Example: "I know that I prefer ease when I'm in a hurry and I can have that experience." or " I always deserve to have positive experiences." or " I know that I am the one who decides that I get a break."

Now I'm feeling better and have released the stress from the situation.

I found that it helps me let go of frustrations when I redefine all my life experiences with positive thoughts.  Sometimes it is just to know what I prefer.  When I am frustrated, I always have a negative thought about me going on in my head.  My frustration eases when I tell myself the truth that those negative unloving beliefs are just not true and only a belief the ego mind is telling me.

It helps me if I look in the mirror and tell myself the loving truths about me. Then I know I am in touch with the Divine Intelligence within me.

Want to know more about How to Finally Release Stress  go to my website and blog there.

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