Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Antidote to Loneliness and Making Friends

Has your life been turned upside down and you find yourself lonely and needing to make new friendships? 

It happens to the best of us in our life now and then.  Moving to a new place, a new job, or even a new life after some chaos can be challenging.

Most of us keep ourselves busy with many logistical adjustments, trying to forget the circumstances that created our life change.   We get caught up in the settling process and forget to make some time to connect to others.  

After the settling process is finished, we stand there alone, left to the timing of the clock, clicking away our new routine.  It dawns on us that we need new friendships and connections to make our new life more meaningful with some purpose.

The world has changed so much and getting people's attention to connect with them can be difficult when you find them connected on their phones 24/7.

Loneliness easily sets in and staying there takes you into a loneliness spiral.

Lori from Tiny Buddha made this wonderful short film illustrating this. Watch her short film above and receive the hope that life changes get better with some time and perseverance.

So how do you navigate your way out of this place, when every connection attempt you make seems futile?  Here are some steps to help you.

1. Sit with the lonely feelings and feel where they are in your body.  Observe them as a physical sensation.  With a bit of time, the lonely feelings will pass through you.  More importantly, this first step makes an important connection for you, which is the next step.

2. You now make a connection and a friendship with that spark of light within you.  Even if it is pretend, go with it.  Give them a name if that helps.  Each of us has a Highest Self living inside us, waiting to help anytime and anywhere, if we would just connect with them.  Ask them for help.

3. Now, catch any thoughts that go with the loneliness.  Many times the chaos that changed our life, brings up thoughts that we used to make some sense of the chaos.  Any thoughts that say you are less than, not enough or don't deserve are lies your ego mind tells you.  Go to a mirror and tell your ego mind that you know these thoughts are lies and make a conscious choice not to believe them anymore.

4. Wait for some inspiration to come.  Within 72 hours, some ideas will come forward in your mind as to some action to take.  You might just find someone disconnecting from their phone long enough for you to make a connection.  Or maybe something will happen in your life that starts a connecting process.

This may take a few attempts to move out of the lonely hole into a positive world again.  Stick with it and be consistent with giving yourself positive self talk.

Want to feel better whenever loneliness sets in. Try this short video meditation to lift you up.
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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Let's Create World Kindness

Bring yourself to a peaceful place watching this lovely video in nature.

Be still and find that quiet place inside you. Now you are connected to Divine Creation.

Be kind to you by knowing that you have a spark of the light of Divine Creation living inside you.  Allow your thoughts to be nice and kind ones about you.  Whenever a life experience happens, give it a kind meaning of how much Divine Creation loves you.  Divine Creation gives you contrast to know your light desires and to expand.

Expand more by knowing that you are completely supported by Divine Creation.  Trust that life unfolds with a perfection that you may not understand in the moment, yet is there for the highest and best for all.   You can at least know what you prefer in life experience.  You can receive that as a gift and expand with receiving it.

Practice this kindness and send blessings to those who you encounter in life.  People behave in the level of consciousness that they are aware of.  Send them blessings to expand their consciousness.

Associate with those who’s level of consciousness expresses kindness to you and others.  Send blessings to those who need to expand their consciousness to be kinder.  You do not have to countenance their actions that reflect harm to others.

This kindness will bring a lasting peace within you.  You still give value about what life experiences are good, right and true.  This value raises you to take inspired actions that are good, right and true.  That is a kind way to be.

Your peace will bring more peace into your world and you have created a new moment of a new world that is full of kindness and peace.

With Love and Light.

Let’s Create World Kindness

Bring Some Kindness to the World

Start by Being Kind to You

Now Share That Kindness with Others

Find the Peace that Being Kind Brings

The World Is Now Kinder Because of You

The World Is More Peaceful Because of You

Now Celebrate a New You and a New World Because of You

With Love and Light from Susan at Miracle Grids

Video and Production        Susan Suehr
Music  Capoproductions               Pond5
For More fun


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Friday, November 11, 2016

There is Always Light

Watch this lovely video meditation showing the moon move across the sky.  Listen to the music with your best ear listening devices to receive the benefits of the theta wave music and binaural beats.

Follow the guided messages to allow yourself to let more light into your life more every day.  Let your next new moment have more light.

The Moon light reminds you that there is always light present for you, even in the dark.

You see that light shine ever so brightly in your sky unless the clouds of falsehoods block your view.  It is still there, even if you do not see.  You trust that it will show up when those clouds pass.

Divine Creation uses the presence of moonlight to show you that they are always present for you, even if you do not see them.  They have built a trust that they will never leave you by having the moon shine ever so brightly in your night sky.

Divine Creation anchors that trust by showing the moon again as the clouds of falsehoods pass.

Believing that darkness is only present and more powerful is a falsehood.  The light is more powerful than a clouded dark because it is always present and gets exposed when you throw off those clouds of falsehoods.

You need to see dark to understand with contrast the truth of your light.  Notice the purity of dark and light with it contrasts.  Only clouds of falsehoods block the view of the full truth that contrast shows you.

Truth is a never ending revelation of Divine Creation.  It is always changing with expansion of new understandings.  Allow the dark to show you your light.  Let the beauty of the moon’s movements show you the truth of dark and light.

Now become new with each new moment. Use the stillness of the moment to help you touch the deep truth of Divine Creation living inside you.

With Love and Light.
Susan, Meditation Master

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